How does acupuncture treat pruritus ani? How successful is acupuncture in treating pruritus ani? - pruritus ani acupuncture treatment
In Chinese medicine, the preparation of acupuncture points and there are herbs to treat this condition very well. I can only speak theoretically, of course, you will need a doctor to examine and decide what the cause of their signs and symptoms.
An imbalance can cause an inflammation of the anus, burn and / or itching. There is cause certain types of anomalies, the problems it can. In Chinese medicine, this could be caused by heat or excessive moisture. Once the clinician determines all the symptoms you have, then it will create a number of points for treatment (acupuncture points specific parts of the body where needles are inserted). Certain acupuncture points have a cooling effect on the body, while others showRain Effect. But other points of acupuncture has a tonic effect, and some have an impact in the large intestine in general. Acupuncture can be very useful to consider but surely, traditional Chinese medicine. You have the best chance of success in this way.
I also suggest that you tell your doctor if you can rule out causes such as cracks, infections, etc. Make sure acupuncture is qualified and trained fully with the principles of Chinese medicine.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Pruritus Ani Acupuncture Treatment How Does Acupuncture Treat Pruritus Ani? How Successful Is Acupuncture In Treating Pruritus Ani?
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Acupuncture needles used to unlock blocked energy in and along the channels of the subtle energy known as meridians in the body.
ReplyDeleteAccupuncturist Depending on the diagnosis, he or she will have a series where the pine trees along the meridians and points to the problem / s. He or she may also recommend taking a herbal medicinal plant in relation to these treatments to complete. You may use only a few sessions, or perhaps have a lot, depending on the seriousness of the problem and the therapist.
Acupuncture is not usually difficult, but you experience tingling, heat, movement and abandoned, sometimes emotionally, your therapist will discuss this in advance.
As a naturopath I recommend acupuncture as a treatment and herbal medicine, both have a good reputation in this.
Hope this helps.
Craig - medical practitioners.